OSM History Analysis Tool

Project EPIC 2014.


Who mapped where, when, and with whom?


The setup directory contains instructions for installing the development environment on both Mac OS X and a specific build of an OpenSUSEx64 Virtual Machine. The machine is hosted on susestudio.org and the developers are making an effort to support that VM.


Inside the analysis_window directory are a series of YAML configuration files. These files define analysis windows, the area that the user is interested in studying. Defining both temporal and geographical bounds are important. See analysis_windows/sample-awconfig.yml for an example.

There are a series of rake tasks available, most important is rake new

    rake cleanup            # Clean up all temp files
    rake cut                # Write appropriate configuration file and      cut the file to c...
    rake import:changesets  # Import Changesets
    rake import:pbf         # Import PBF File (Nodes, Ways, Relations)
    rake import:users       # Import Users
    rake network            # Network Writers
    rake new                # Given a valid configuration file, Cut and Import all of th...
    rake questions:nodes    # Run Node Questions


Some of the questions we aim to be able to answer:

V1 Questions:

  1. Top contributors (per analysis window) a. What's the metric here? nodes, changesets, what makes an active user?

  2. Recent edits a. Again, what's the metric? Nodes, changesets, etc? b. Returns geometries for visualization

  3. POI count a. What defines a point of interest. b. Weekly/Monthly buckets

  4. Length of Ways a. Rivers, roads, etc. b. Weekly/Monthly buckets

  5. Building Count a. Especially tasks which b. Weekly/Monthly buckets

  6. Within temporally adjacent / overlapping changesets, identify users that worked in close geographic proximity